Friday, December 26, 2014

A Time to Heal, A Time for Music - Happy Holidays!

Healing and Music have always gone hand in hand in my daily life.  

Music and movement helps me transition through the day whether its a busy day of tasks or if I am needing to remove a negative emotion or thought.  

In the morning I can listen to higher frequency songs for boosting my energy for the day.   Towards the evening, I begin listening to music with a more calm and slower beat so that the rest of my Mind and Body can start winding down.

In a way, this can be considered a very balanced music practice for both healing and rejuvenation of the Soul, Heart, Mind and Body.  When you have play loud or fast music, this is considered "Yang" energy.  When you play slow and gentle music, this is considered "Yin" energy.

Here's one of my favourite songs during the Holiday Season!

Best wishes for a Healthy, Happy and Harmonious new year!

with love and blessing,
